Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Third week of project

It's hard to believe that we're already on our third week of senior project. Recently, to my surprise, I discovered that there is actually one 8th grade, 7-person French class left at Old Trail. Since Senora was going to be teaching the same lesson in both of the 8th grade Spanish classes that day, I dropped by the French class. There was a student in the class who was behind because of missed school, so I was able to pull him out into the hallway and teach him what he missed, catching him up. Although I'm really enjoying learning the Spanish language, it was a nice chance to practice one I've already studied.

Also, I was able to work with Juan Pablo (the Spanish-fluent 4th grader) and record him reading some books. And later in the day, we went to the Young-5's class, where he read aloud one of the books we've recorded. The five year olds loved him! It was really fun listening him read and observing the reactions of the five year olds.

Today, the 7th graders in Spanish class learned many new verbs, all of which I learned how to conjugate and wrote them down in my notebook. In 8th grade, we finished watching the Don Quijote video. Sadly my day was cut short because of the mid-project report day, but it was still really fun.

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