Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Second Day of Senior Project

Today was a little bit harder than yesterday! There is a lot of research to be done, and I got on it. I went through more than 200 search results for Unit Operations Laboratories, going on school websites and trying to find experiments - all with no luck. 200 SEARCH RESULTS AND NONE OF THEM WERE HELPFUL!!!!! PRETTY DEPRESSING.

I also had to find MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for each chemical in the separation labs that I came across on my research yesterday. That wasn't as difficult as trying to find the separation experiments though!

When I was done I went back to my new hobby...taking pictures. This time I took a little walk past Severance Hall, towards the Cleveland Museum of Art and back to the campus. BEATIFUL!!! and the weather was really nice today.

Day 2: Not so Bad!!!

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