Sunday, May 16, 2010

First Week of Soccer

My second week of project I decided to teach the children some basics of soccer. We started of by watching a highlight video of me during my junior year playing soccer in order to give the students an idea of what they could be like, and a goal to work for. Many of the children were inspired by my video, and they looked up to me, they wanted me to teach them all the skills and moves I knew. I was delighted, I managed to grab their attention this way they would listen to me more and do what I ask of them. But then again, there were some other students whom despite my video were uninfluenced. They disliked soccer because they were ignorant of it. They kept asking the head gym teacher if they could play a "real sport" like football or basketball. This insulted me that I had to force them to actually learn a new sport for a change, which could be helpful especially with the 2010 World Cup coming up. So despite their relentlessness, i still made them play what ever game the class were playing, and when they refused to do it or listen, I had them sit out on the sidelines and watch their friends play. I originally thought I was only going to be teaching the 4 and 5 graders but I ended up teaching the whole school, during their gym period because there were always a few in each class that truely wanted to learn soccer. Ihad a very passionate student on Friday who insisted on wearing his shinguards and cleats and team shirt although it weren't necessary. He was too passionate about the game, he felt like those gears might put him in the right competitive mood to play lol. He was a funny kid but the gym teacher and i didn't want to break his spirit by forcing him to take off all his overly passionate for the occasion gears lol. I taught the children how to pass andtrap the soccer ball and how to dribble. I referenced soccer to basket ball alot of the time see how thats the sport those students at Harvey rice could relate to better. For the most part they did really well, and some have more potential then others but theres a very promising team at Harvey Rice.

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