Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fourth day of project!

It's been a great few days at Old Trail! Again today we worked in groups with Senora's 7th and 8th grade Spanish classes. It was really helpful to me because I was able to learn about sentence structures, and looked up words in the reading and questions as we went along.

Also, today I went with Senora to her first grade Spanish classes, and it was fun being able to observe the different teaching styles used with different age groups. With the first graders, Senora uses a program called "Symtalk." This system uses symbol cards which represent all parts of speech. The teachers introduce vocabulary and sentence structure when the symbol cards are placed in sequence on a magnetic board. Students read and “speak” the pictures and create new sentences. For instance, the teacher can put a picture of a girl, eat symbol, and taco next to each other, and the children will be able to read that the girl is eating a taco in Spanish. It's a really cool and quick way of learning a language!

And most importantly, during one of my breaks, Priya Sharma and I played with the kindergarteners at recess. It was... a traumatizing experience!

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