Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ninth Day of Project

So, Tuesday and Wednesday I had AP Exams...Today the 1-Octanol finally arrived, and so I could try the methanol/1-octanol/water separations. But first I had to make up solutions like I did on Monday with the methanol and water. Firstly, I had to figure out the percentages for the solutions I had to make, and I had to make sure that they were all single face. So I came up with 10 combinations of percentages, and then I converted them to masses to see approximately how much of the solutions I had to measure out. Then I did the measuring, making a total of 10 different solutions of methanol/1-octanol/water.

After making the solutions I injected them one by one into the Gas Chromatograph and let it do it's job. Unfortunately for me, I hadn't changed the settings from Monday so the GC stopped after 4 minutes which means that I did not get peaks for the 1-octanol that was in the solutions I had injected. So I had to go back and re-do the injections, with each separation taking a whole 13 minutes! All the separations took me the whole day to finish, and I even decided to put in some extra hours just so I could be sure I was on the right track with every thing.

Besides it being a very long was very fun. And today Prof. Wainright decided to let me do everything by myself which made me feel great about my skills for doing the experiments and I felt very independent!

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